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One thing that I recommend is that you change the Dzus fasteners to the winged type. If you keep your Dzus tool in the compartment how would you open it? Duh!! I found out the hard way. I really like this mod, it just makes sense.
The storage compartment mod was one of the cheaper enhancements costing @$60. Easy to install with nothing else to purchase. Just make sure you order the correct one. One is for bellies with air scoop and another for without scoop. Two or three hours to install.
Can't live without mods and there are quite a few for our Rotorways! These pages will highlight the mods I chose for my machine. If you have any questions concerning these enhancements contact me for clarification.
Recently I cut the lower part of my doghouse access panel and installed a hinge. Since I now have a cog drive I don't require a large access to check chain linkage. I also have a overflow tank installed which allows a easy water level check without necessitating header cap removal. Now two Dzus and I can perform an adequate inspection.h here.
I didn't discover the "H" arm mod until I was researching the factory SB's. When I tried to get the throttle to indicate on the FADEC computer display the correct numbers it wasn't happening! The longer "H" arm ($30) solved the problem. Now I get the proper readings for my TPS. Simple fix, took less than one hour if done before engine install. Even less if you catch it during the buildup of your collective!
The factory says that the overhang on the throttle rubber grip is an adequate friction device. I bought this item from Homer for about $85. The nice thing is that you can adjust the tightness to your preference. Homer installed it during his visit and took about an hour to accomplish.
I saw some guys with louvres at Homer's and thought they made sense. The old style lower panels had large openings which allowed airflow to the engine compartment. I think these louvers will enhance cooling airflow. If not, they do look cool!
The original rubber boots were awful and frequently tore allowing FOD into the belly. Not good. These leather boots were purchased from a speed shop for @$10 each. Usually you have to fabricate a custom mounting ring but it is fairly straightforward. The cyclic seems to be freer as a side benefit. Again, there is the COOL FACTOR.